Friday 2 April 2010

Gobi Express or Flying Turkey?

Here is Mr Li of the Jiazhuo Trailer company with the splendid new truck they have sponsored us. I am thrilled to bits with it as it has all the features I had specified, including a full ramp (so the horses do not have to jump in off a bank as they usually have to do with Chinese trucks) a five seater cab (to transport all the team) and a solar-powered plug point (so I can e-mail even in the middle of the Gobi). The cab is air-conditioned and the back has plenty of ventilation for the horses, though its main purpose is to carry feed and water.
The question now is what to call it. In honour of the Trio, I feel we must christen it after one of the trusty mule carts which lugged their baggage and animal feed across the desert wastes – just as our truck will be doing. The carts were dubbed ‘The Gobi Express’ and ‘the Flying Turki’, though the ladies were slightly concerned that the latter might lead to the misnomer ‘The Flying Turkey'. What are your thoughts?

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