Saturday 7 April 2012

Viragoskut Organics

March 28th. We have been staying near Hortabagy with Rosza Pieter on his farm Viragoskut Bio where he makes all sorts of organic products such as buffalo milk yoghurt, mangalitsa sausages, fruit juices, jams and so on.

Dallam was tied up in a big barn for two nights with the local Noniusz horses and Carpathian buffalo. It must have been quite unnerving for him considering he was a bit over awed by the sight of a couple of cows last week, but it was a baptism of fire that he seemed to survive.

On Saturday morning Peter took us out to see his farm in the Hortobagy national Park. This is an ancient area of steppeland and wetlands which is now a world Heritage Site. and we were very privileged to have the chance to access a privately farmed area of the Park. Peter has the largest swing wells in the area .......
....... and here is Mike working hard at drawing buckets of water. Apparently at one time this particular well watered about 10,000 cattle, but thankfully for Mike not when he was on shift.

Peter and son Andreas on their way to church in their Sunday best - in this case traditional Hortobagy costume. Peter is wearing the traditional Hortobagy herdsmans coat - the sleeves are sewn up to provide pockets for the odd salami sandwich or bottle of palinka.

And in the evening we were once again entertained to supper and a rendition of a Hortobagy ballad about the Hungarian outlaw Rosza Sandor (apparently no relation to our disappointment) from Peter on his zither, watched attentively by family and splendiferous aspidistra ...........

The two red capped bottles on the table are his 'calling cards' - his own home produced bottles of organic juice with contact details!

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